Stressed out? Need to relax? Feeling anxious or having difficulties falling asleep? Try joining Rest Alive LLC. for a group Guided Meditation Session.
Meditation can assist you in reaching the Alpha and Theta brainwave patterns. Theta waves are associated with REM sleep (dreaming) and increased creativity. Alpha waves are connected with relaxation, focus, and mood. Reaching these patterns may allow you to become calm, relaxed, in control, and focused. Guided meditation may be advantageous to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Let Rest Alive LLC. show you how to balance your mind, body, and spirit by slowing down a heightened stress response while releasing good chemical mediators during this guided meditation. The regular practice of meditation provides a number of scientifically proven wellness benefits. Your mind and body will thank you for participating!
hosted by: Rebecca Rogers of Rest Alive LLC
Cost: $10, prepay required, limited seating only
Rebecca Rogers
Rebecca Rogers, RDH, BSDH, MSED, is a registered dental hygienist and wellness advocate. Her 20 year experience as a dental hygienist has attributed to her journey as a disease prevention specialist. While practicing as a dental hygienist, she has simultaneously taught in two departments at a local college for the past eight years. Serving as a Professor, she has taught Pathology (the study of disease) over the years. Noting stress as the common risk factor for hundreds of diseases, Rebecca began a more proactive wellness journey. Her passion for helping others to gain and maintain health, aided her in creating the wellness company Rest Alive LLC. More information can be found at