For a freelancer, sales and marketing can get awkward fast. Join Nikki in a discussion about marketing that starts in authenticity and ends in conversation. Starting with self-understanding, this workshop will invite listeners to explore their personality, their driving values, and their goals for their business life and the world, in order to start authentic dialogues with potential clients, to build sales on strong conversations and enthusiastic consent.
hosted by: Nikki Hitchcock of City of Light Consulting
Nikki Hitchcock
Nikki Hitchcock has worked in and alongside the nonprofit world for over 15 years. In that environment, she had to learn about doing more with less, designing scrappy, creative solutions to organizational problems. The MacGyver of organization development, Nikki believes that narrative and story telling are vital to marketing from a place of authenticity and trust. Today, she serves nonprofits, artists, and other agents of social change through City of Light Consulting, where she serves as lead consultant on a team that provides wrap-around services including design and marketing. When not literally saving the world, Nikki can be found with her preschooler, wandering around a farmers market.